Freeze Fest at Nite Owl (Friday, Dec. 12)
We’re actually looking at a Friday that’s going to be above freezing (7 high, low of 1), but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check out this solid list of Albertan talent: The Wet Secrets, Napalmpom, Sydney York and the LBJs. Tickets are $10 if you snag them online and $13 at the door.
You can hear “Sunshine” by the Wet Secrets below.
Handel’s Messiah at Jack Singer Concert Hall, Epcor Centre (Friday, Dec. 12 to Sunday, Dec. 13)
It took Handel 24 days to write the music for Messiah. Fans of Dumb and Dumber will recognize the famous “Hallelujah Chorus,” which contains 56 “Hallelujah”s (more numbers are covered in Swerve’s By The Numbers). But the ticket prices are really the important numbers for those looking to hear the holiday tradition: $20 to $30 if you want to sing-along on Sunday and $25 to $90 for the other two shows.
Christmas in Kensington (Saturday, Dec. 13)
This is the third of four weekends where Kensington gets festive to encourage you to do your Christmas shopping in the riverfront business district. The attractions are late night shopping (stores are open until 7 p.m.), an appearance by Santa, carolers and the brief return of Container Bar taking advantage of a mild winter weekend.
Dane Cook at the Jubilee Auditorium (Saturday, Dec. 13)
If you’re surprised by the elevated ticket prices ($97.65 to $118.40 on Ticketmaster) for Dane Cook’s two shows this weekend at the Jube, it’s because it’s part of a fundraiser for the Owen Hart Foundation. Those who arrive early will get a chance to see the 18-minute, award-winning documentary about the foundation and Owen produced by his wife, Martha Hart.
A Fool There Was at the Lougheed House (Sunday, Dec. 14)
The Lougheed House is screening a series of First World War-era films to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of the war, including A Fool There Was, a 1914 silent film that made Theda Bara a star, one of Hollywood’s biggest names and the first to be marketed based on her sex appeal. Your ticket price of $40 (over at Eventbrite) includes the screening accompanied by live music, a photo booth and themed performances.
Bonus YouTube video of dogs failing at fetching things for the weekend
These dogs need to step up their game (though to be fair that last one was really put in a no-win scenario by a tennis trainer).